A NEXT generation international service provider with expertise in ESG, mining engineering and mineral exploration.
We understand the integral role of innovation in enabling, encouraging and accelerating positive impacts and implementing mitigatory actions.
Our ESG offerings provide inclusive and transparent analysis using insightful technologies and industry expertise allowing clients to combine economic success with social responsibility.
Xpotential Mining Services (XMS) is the engineering and geological partner for large scale mining and exploration projects, providing technical services and management consulting for all stages of the minerals value chain.
“We have the ability to assemble large skilled turnkey teams in any location.”
Our technologically driven and systematic approach to recruitment and skills development gives us an unrivalled reach and ability to mobilize large operational and technical teams to any project.
Our multi-disciplinary team and global network of professional associates consist of geoscientists, engineers, economists, operation & logistics specialists as well as health and safety professionals.
“The interconnectedness of environment, community and corporate governance requires an active corporate citizenship in order to sustain resilient financial performance. XMS can help your firm navigate through the modern mining ecosystem with impact and agility, creating value and making a difference.”
ESG Advisory
ESG Reporting
ESG Validation and Auditing
Mining and engineering focused management consulting for the optimization of mining operations.
We provide experienced and knowledgeable geoscientists from our local, regional and international network to service large and long-term brownfields exploration projects.
“More than just a safety file, there is nothing more important than safety.”
In the provision of all our services, XMS integrates our technological HSEC approach with our client’s existing system to provide unrivalled safety performance as a contractor.
XMS can also utilize this integrated technological approach to assist client’s in auditing & monitoring existing contractors.
XMS provides a post incident remediation service which helps clients identify causal factors and potential risk behaviour while sharing outcomes and rebuilding trust.
A 1-day online course introducing the concepts and framework of ESG and how it could affect the industry going forward.
This course aims to create awareness of the relevance of ESG thinking in mining companies.
Introduction to ESG:
Introduction to ESG
This 3-day short course is a guide to young professional geoscientists.
The course aims to prepare young geologists for the application of geological theory to the exploration industry.
Introduction to Mineral Exploration:
Introduction to Mineral Exploration
A 2-day practical course that ensures the fundamentals of a much overlooked topic are fully understood by geoscientists.
This course aims to narrow the gap between the quality of the geotechnical logging done during exploration and that needed further down the mining cycle.
Introduction to Geotechnical Logging 101:
Introduction to Geotechnical Logging 101
A 1-day online course covering the basics of co-ordinate systems and map projections.
This course aims to arm the young geoscientist with the knowledge required to safely manage and pass on spatial data.
Introduction to Co-ordinate Systems and Map Projections:
Introduction to Co-ordinate Systems and Map Projections
XMS is a supporter of the Minerals Education Trust Fund. The aim of the fund is to support, promote and advance the interest of minerals education in South Africa.
XMS is a proud sponsor of the Northern Cape branch of the Geological Society of South Africa, a professional body dedicated to the promotion and advancement of earth sciences.
XMS is a level 4 B-BBEE contributor and is 25% black woman owned.
“Value-add is the only performance metric”.
XMS provides training courses for our network of staff, clients as well as the industry at large. We see it as our responsibility to play our part in the development of the industry.